
Home Services Fund Raising Assistance

Funds Mobilization

Growth is must in every enterprise and it faces challenges in mobilizing resources to match its growth. Mobilizing resources require lots of efforts and preparation by the enterprises be it preparing Business Plan, evaluating various options, communicating to in right way etc. RISHNIK assist enterprise in all these crucial decision making.

Management has to take crucial decision to choose between various option available to mobilize funds to meet its day to day working, expansion need. It always has to choose between Debt/Equity, Long Term & Short Term Funds, Structure instruments & orthodox funding, through innovative business modeling etc. As everyday new instruments are coming into the market which has its own advantages and disadvantages which is required to be aligned with the business plan of the enterprise.

At RISHNIK we are not doing the job of only fund raising, we first map the enterprise’s need of funds in line with its Business Plan and even assist them to preparing it. On the basis of our assessment with detailed discussions with client we help to client to choose out of various options available with the enterprise. Source of funds it very critical because it should be aligned with the nature of business and long-term business plan to enterprise.

“It is wrong to stay that only Money is important, irrespective of its source. Source of money is also equally important”